In a way, the concept of vegan and vegan diet is derived from vegetarian diet and concept. Veganism is a more strictly applied subcategory of vegetarianism. However, there are some sharp differences between veganism and vegetarianism. For example, while the majority of vegetarians do not hesitate to consume products such as honey, milk and dairy products, eggs, vegans never consume these products.
There are many different types of vegetarian diet and different applications of all these types. The concept referred to as vegetarianism is actually much more than a diet for many vegetarians.
Although it is understood by most people as a diet that cannot be eaten by meat, in fact, the main issue of vegetarianism is living life and sustainability. Vegetarianism considers the life of every living thing sacred and opposes the killing of these creatures just for a match, while there are many alternative food sources.
By taking the criteria of vegetarianism one step further, vegans not only adopt a non-animal food diet, but have a clear attitude towards animal cruelty at all stages of their lives. Components containing animal by-products, textiles, accessories, cosmetics, etc., where living things are involved in any stage of production. Including products, zoos, and similar aquapark projects are all things vegan is against.
Conscious consumers of both groups are in a very difficult situation since the products against vegans and vegetarians and their production stages are not subject to control. For these people who want to find out whether the foods they will consume are far from animal products and by-products, vegan and vegetarian certificates have been a salvation.
V-Mark Vegan Vegetarian certificate and logo stands out as a guiding and awareness-raising formation for both producers and consumers.
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