Vegetarianism and veganism are not a new fad or a temporary trend. In fact, it is estimated that the first vegetarian society was founded in England in the mid-1800s, and the basis of this diet and its concepts is perhaps much older.
Veganism, on the other hand, can be defined as a way of life that tries to exclude all forms of animal exploitation and cruelty for food, clothing or any other purpose, in addition to avoiding meat consumption as vegetarians do, as well as not consuming dairy, eggs or other animal products.
Veganism is not a concept that can only be reduced to a diet in terms of nutrition. At the same time, it is necessary to adopt a vegan lifestyle in all areas of life. There are many different ways to adopt the vegan lifestyle.
A common feature of all vegans in general is that they avoid all animal foods such as meat (including fish, shellfish and insects), dairy products, eggs and honey, as well as avoid animal-sourced materials, products tested on animals, and places that use animals for recreation.
The difference between veganism and vegetarianism is that vegans not only adopt a non-animal food diet, they have a clear attitude towards animal cruelty at all stages of their lives.
Components containing animal by-products, textiles, accessories, cosmetics, etc., which are involved in any stage of the production of living things. Including products, zoos, and similar aquapark projects, they are all against veganism.
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