Who is VEGAN?


Who is VEGAN?

Veganism is a diet and lifestyle. Vegans are people who avoid eating animal products (such as meat, milk, eggs) and generally try not to use products containing animal products. Vegans make this choice to defend animal rights and protect human health.

Who is VEGAN?

Veganism can also be preferred to avoid environmental and human health harmful processes used in the production of animal products. Veganism may not be adopted by everyone and may vary according to everyone's preference. Who is vegan, may vary depending on the person's preference.

Veganism can be preferred for many reasons. Some of these may be:

  • Animal rights: Vegans defend the right of animals to continue their natural lives and oppose the use of animals for production purposes.
  • Health: A vegan diet can prevent or reduce some health problems. For example, a vegan diet can reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases such as heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.
  • Environment: The production of animal products causes more damage to the environment and requires more energy. Vegan nutrition is a nutrition option that can be produced using less energy and is less harmful to the environment.

Veganism may not be suitable for everyone, and some people's bodies may not adapt to a vegan diet. For example, a vegan diet can make it difficult to get enough of some vitamins and minerals. For this reason, it is recommended that people considering going vegan create a healthy vegan diet plan and consult an expert.