Vegan Perfume Certificate

Vegan Perfume Certificate

Most perfumes on the market are not suitable for vegan consumers. The ingredients in the perfume and the content information on the product are often misleading for the vegan consumer without vegan certification.

Vegan Perfume Certificate

Most perfumes are non-vegan and the ingredients used in their ingredients are kept confidential under trade secret law. Trade secret law protects the producer from disclosing contents that do not need to be clearly labeled based on the minimum concentration of the content.

However, it should be noted that most perfumes contain an animal or animal component. Perfumes may often contain animal ingredients such as: Civet (fecal paste obtained from the anal glands of a musk cat), Castoreum (creates a skin odor, obtained from beaver's genital scent sacs), Mmber (obtained from the digestive tract of sperm whales) and musk or katsuri (a scent secreted from the musk deer's sheath gland) - and it's all common.

Many perfumes are not labeled as vegan because they contain ingredients of animal origin and are not preferred by the manufacturer as changing them will also change their fragrance profile.

So in this case, what a vegan consumer should know is; If you cannot find a vegan certificate or label on the perfume, it is best to assume that the perfume or fragrance is not vegan.

V-Mark vegan perfume certificate eliminates uncertainties in this regard for both the consumer and the manufacturer. You can contact our expert team to get detailed information and to get help on any issue you have in mind.

Vegan Vegetarian Certificate V-Mark

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