Vegan certified product logo V-Mark can be used in almost any product that meets the criteria that makes any food or product suitable for vegan and vegetarian consumption, that is, it does not contain animal ingredients or animal by-products, as well as in daily life that has not been tested on animals.
Almost all consumer products can be included in the product scope that may require vegan certification. To sweeten, aroma etc. in a product that looks herbal. There may be animal components for many different reasons such as.
Even a simple biscuit contains animal ingredients such as albumin, charcoal, butter, carmine, casein, gelatin, lactose, lard, l-cysteine, mono and di-glycerides, shellac, vitamin D3, whey powder.
Many cosmetic products are still tested on animals and may contain animal ingredients. Or the textile products we wear in daily life may contain animal components.
In addition to all these, there are many animal-based ingredients that are not well known or regulated by the consumer. In order to confirm whether these materials are available, it may be necessary to find out where they obtained the material or contact the manufacturer directly.
There is a V-Mark certified vegan label to eliminate all these laborious processes for the consumer. Every product you see the V-Mark logo on is 100% vegan and has been tested and approved by our neutral laboratories to be free from all known animal ingredients.
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