Vegan Vegetarian Certificate | V-Mark Corporate

V-Mark Corporate

Beyond being a vegan certification body, V-Mark continues its journey with the mission of making life easier for vegan and vegetarian producers and consumers, and more importantly, to create awareness on issues such as the importance of living life and sustainability as an organization whose priority is nature and living life.

V-Mark Vegan Vegetarian

V-Mark operates in vegan and vegetarian issues in order to increase the product quality of businesses and to prevent possible commercial risks in international trade. When it comes to Vegan and Vegetarian products, it provides and certifies product evaluation services for businesses of all sectors and sizes.

The proof that a product conforms to certain standards and criteria and is produced according to these criteria is the certification of the product by an accredited organization. Certification has a great impact on quality and trust, regardless of the category and type of product.

Certification service can only be provided by organizations that are authorized and accredited nationally / internationally. The organization's authorization is provided by the accreditations it has acquired. Documents issued by an accredited organization are valid all over the world.

V-Mark, Vegan and Vegetarian Certification Institute is an international organization and is recognized all over the world. Many international NGOs focused on vegan-vegetarian issues follow the standards of V-Mark, a leading institute in this field. V-Mark Vegan and Vegetarian Certification Institute has been recognized around the world as a reliable and reputable project.